Sunday, January 28, 2018

Top 10 Movies 2017

Don't Watch the Previews!

The number of people who want to go with me to the movies is decreasing.

This is because I can act a little crazy during the previews.

For example, the other night, I left the theater because a preview came on for a movie I wanted to see.

And a month before, I thoroughly embarrassed my son, when I refused to enter a theater because I could hear a preview for Star Wars.

And during 90% of all previews, I will pull my hoodie over my eyes so I don't watch.

While this works for me, I do think it causes a few people to question if they really want to be seeing a movie with me.

But there is a method to the madness.

For me, the power of a movie is about discovery.  It is about being transported into a different time and place and not knowing what you will find.

The way previews are now made ruins all that.

The sequence is predictable.
  1. You are introduced to the movie, main characters and general plot;
  2. With increasing intensity, you see visuals of nearly every important element of the story;  
  3. The preview ends with a rapid, pulse pounding cliff hanger that basically gives away the end of the movie.  
So in essence, once you have seen the preview, there isn't much need to see the movie.  You see if the characters fall in love, if the underdog wins the big game, or if the adventurer finds the elusive treasure.  There are no surprises anymore.  It ruins the movie.

So join me . . . . . and possibly one or two other people in the world . . . . . who watch a preview for only the first 30-45 seconds before closing your browser or shutting your eyes.  It is enough time to let you know if you are going to be interested in the story, if you think you might find the characters worth spending a few hours with, and if you like the tone of the writing and directing.

And when you show up for the real movie a few months later, you will probably discover more joy, wonder, and surprise than you would have if you'd have watched the preview!

Top 10 Movies

Below are my 10 favorite movies from 2017.  It doesn't include Star Wars (Help me JJ Abrams, you're my only hope), Ladybird (good but not great) and don't get me started on Phantom Thread (it was the worst move I have seen in a long time).

I did see several movies that are worth recommending. I couldn't narrow it to just 10, so I threw in a few double features.  I hope you find something you can enjoy!

#10 Wonder + Paddington 2 (Feel Good Double Feature)
Wonder is a great film to see with your family.  It has heart, an excellent story, and solid acting. Paddington 2 builds on the success of Paddington.  It is funny, quirky, and heartwarmingly sincere.

#9 The Post - PG-13
In 1994, as a college intern in Washington DC, we were required to read the Washington Post each day.  Although I pretty much stuck to the sports and movie sections, I developed a love for the newspaper.  Living there from 1995-2000 only deepened my bond as I read the paper faithfully each day at lunch.  Plus, my wife did Katharine Graham's taxes, was able to meet her at the Washington Post, and was able to have her sign a copy of her Pulitzer Prize winning biography.  So when I heard this movie was coming out, I thought it would be my #1 for sure. Although it was a good movie, it wasn't exceptional.  But it is a great story and it is worth seeing.  I especially loved Meryl Streep's performance as Katharine Graham.

#8 The Big Sick - R
A funny and thoughtful examination of culture, family, love, and marriage.  The movie redefines the romantic comedy by providing a realistic view of what it means to fall in love and commit to living your life with another person - especially if they are from a different culture/ethnicity.  Zoe Kazan was the star of the show for me.  

#7 Darkest Hour + Dunkirk (World War II Double Feature)
My biggest criticism of Dunkirk was the lack of an outside narrative that helped me understand the significance of the situation.  Darkest Hour provided what I was hoping for.  Taken together, the two provide a complete and satisfying retelling of this critical time during World War II.

 This poster now hangs in my son's room

#6 The Lost City of Z - PG-13
A biopic of Percy Fawcett - a British explore in the early 1900s who was convinced he would one day find a lost city in the Amazon jungles.  This movie previewed like a low budget action movie, but was unexepectedly deep and rich.  Charlie Hunnam is a standout in the lead role.

#5 Thor Ragnarok PG-13 
This movie is laugh out loud funny from beginning to end.  Director Taika Waititi knows how to hit all the right notes and creates a movie that is just an amazingly good time.  Wonder if you will like it?  Watch this hysterical short directed by Waititi about how Thor spent his time when he wasn't invited to be in Captain America: Civil War.  If you think it is funny - you're in for a great two hours.

Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song has never sounded better

#4 Molly's Game - R
Aaron Sorkin wrote and directed this biopic about Molly Bloom - an olympic skiing hopeful who ultimately becomes an organizer of high-stakes poker games for Hollywood elite.  The writing and direction are exceptional.  Kevin Costner's three-minute therapy session was one of the best scenes I have seen in any movie in a long time.

#3 The Founder - PG-13
Michael Keaton just gets better with age.  He is outstanding in this biopic of Ray Crok - the self-proclaimed founder of McDonalds.  The direction by John Lee Hancock was first-rate, and the writing and acting are superb.  Just an A+ movie all around.  In addition, my son got his first job ever at McDonalds this past June and I couldn't be more happy about it.

#2 Coco - PG
I wasn't even planning on seeing this movie - but it worked out that my 7-year old daughter and I had a free afternoon and we went.  I am so glad that we did as we got to share in the discovery of this beautiful, moving, sweet, and intelligent movie.  This could have been my #1 pick.

#1 Baby Driver - R
This was the only movie that I saw twice in theaters - mainly because writer/Director Edgar Wright has created something so incredibly original.  I have never seen a movie that literally incorporated music into the action and pacing of the movie as evidenced by the brilliant opening scene you can watch here.  Ansel Elgort is outstanding in the title role.  Overall the movie isn't perfect - it veers into stereotypical action violence at the end, but I can forgive that given the high degree of creativity and originality on display.

That's it for 2017!  I hope you enjoy a movie or two from the list!!  If you are looking for a good book recommendation, keep reading. . . . 

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